Partners - Hewlett Packard Enterprise

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Boost Business Revenue and Drive Performance by Harnessing Your Data

Graph is transforming the data analytics landscape. Gartner forecasts that, “By 2025, graph technologies will be used in 80% of data and analytics innovations, up from 10% in 2021, facilitating rapid decision making across the enterprise.” – Top Trends in Data and Analytics for 2021, Rita Sallam et al, 2021.

From improving profitability to lowering costs, graph analytics is a better way for business leaders to uncover insights hidden within connected data.

Read this Gartner report to learn more.

Discover Deeper Insights

HPE and TigerGraph are partnering to develop solutions that accelerate advanced analytics to uncover insights that would otherwise remain hidden in your connected data: ​

  • Connecting data sets and pipelines and removing data silos​
  • Analyzing connected data in real-time​
  • Utilizing datasets for machine learning​
  • Automating and streamlining solution deployment and implementation​
  • Supporting teams with end-to-end deployment services and support as needed​

Explore Next Steps

Here are a few ways to learn how you can transform business performance:

HPE + You

HPE and TigerGraph Accelerate Advanced Analytics